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CRUZ ROJA ESPAÑOLA. Diversity our best option





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Diversity Our Best Choice is a global project that is framed with the objective of promoting the social inclusion of children and young people, using different types of intervention in the extracurricular educational framework, innovative methodologies and community work To, through cultural knowledge, promote the rupture with obstacles that may prevent third-country nationals from fully using and enjoying their rights, generating an increase in social cohesion in our country.

In this way, the project focuses on promoting the social inclusion of migrant children and youth in Spain through awareness-raising actions aimed at them as their two most representative socializing agents at that time, Family and educational agents. Second, it seeks to train educational agents who are in contact with the target population, since these are also key players in the construction of intercultural societies.

The project is built based on two lines of work that are being carried out:


  • Training line . Formal and non-formal education agents are being trained in Human Rights, Interculturality, Participatory Methodologies, Social Skills and Conflict Resolution.

  • Sensitization line . This line has the purpose of using awareness as a channel for the knowledge of other cultures, creating dialogue for the understanding of other realities with a more attractive modality for the population. This line is presented with a community perspective, raising awareness actions for children, adolescents, youth, families and the general population:


Training line: two training courses are being carried out in each provincial area attached. Each training has a duration of 8 hours; in order that the trained agents can incorporate these approaches in the dynamization and methodology in their interventions with the population.



  • “Intercultural Education as a basis for the promotion of Human Rights”

  • “Interculturality with a gender approach”

  • “Innovative strategies for Intercultural Education”

Social Skills and Conflict Resolution:


  • “Innovative strategies for conflict resolution

  • “Social skills and conflict resolution as a basis for the promotion of human rights”.

Sensitization line :

– Awareness workshops for children and youth . Workshops are held in formal and non-formal education centers with children (between 6 and 14 years old) and youth (between 15 and 18 years old). They are composed of 4 sessions of at least 1 hour each and may be held in both formal education centers and non-formal education centers. It works by ages:


  • For the group from 6 to 9: Diversity and coexistence.

  • For the group of 10 to 12 years: Human rights and coexistence.

  • For the 13 to 14 year old group: Human Rights and Social Skills.

  • For the group of 15 to 18 years: Human rights, intercultural education and social skills.

Awareness workshops for families . These workshops are aimed at fathers, mothers and / or legal guardians of minors from community countries and non-EU countries, in order to create spaces for dialogue for cultural knowledge and exchange of experiences based on their own culture. < / p>

Therefore, the contents to be discussed in the workshops are Human Rights, Cultural Diversity and / or migratory processes with a minimum duration of 2 hours.

General awareness actions . These actions are aimed at the beneficiary population of the project, using art and culture as a methodology for the transmission of existing cultural diversity and existing similarities despite differences.

– Campaign “International Day for Cultural Diversity” – May 21, 2017. Composed of different activities to sensitize all the groups we work with throughout the program