- Margins and Links Foundation
- Address: Center with Services of Los Barrios (Cádiz)
- Pº of the Constitution Nº15 first floor C.P: 11370
- Contact: 956 65 05 32
- Web: www.fmyv.org
EDUCULTURAS is a continuity project funded by the Ministry of Employment and Social Security itself and within the European Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund.
Focusing on the activities of the project in the formal space, the project is aimed at secondary school students between 12 and 17 years of educational centers in the province of Cádiz. These activities are also aimed at teachers and provide a space for participation of the students’ parents.
The project also covers spaces for reflection and debate on aspects related to diversity and interculturality, developing with the classroom group aimed at students of basic professional training up to 18 years.
All the activities carried out convey greater knowledge and awareness among the population about aspects such as immigration, interculturality, the fundamental rights of the European Union, tolerance, solidarity, democracy and equality between women and men. In addition, the “Educulturas” project promotes through its activities a critical and citizen conscience capable of participating in the creation of a more just society.
Inserting our workshop program as the initial proposal of each center allows the coordination with the different professionals to achieve specific objectives; agree common values and principles of intervention, avoid possible overlaps between the activities carried out by the different agents and, consequently, a higher quality intervention.
The methodology applied in the activities is very participatory and encourages debate and reflection, tools such as video, photography, research work, group work, etc. are used. The duration of the workshops is one session of 2 hours each, except the audiovisual workshop. The rest of the activities such as the celebration of international day will last one morning or one afternoon.
To the extent possible, attempts are made to establish coordination and collaboration channels with other social organizations to achieve greater visibility and impact. The organizations with which it is intended to complement our work and thereby generate synergy, would be the African Film Festival of Tarifa and the Algeciras Cultural Association. Specifically, the African Film Festival intends to collaborate with the African Village program, aimed at children and fathers and mothers and whose activities are carried out in open spaces.
Highlight that, to date, the results remain very positive, based on the great acceptance that both the educational centers and students and teachers have shown in the execution of the activities, which have valued the performance as very good and have manifested the The importance of addressing the different contents within the school environment, even all the demands of these centers have not been met.
The portfolio of proposed activities is based on different workshops where dialogue, debate, assignment of tasks, guided discovery and teamwork are tools used to work on the topics included in them.
This last call coincides with the summer and, therefore, the “Itinerant Summer Classroom Educulturas” is composed of the different villages in the region of Campo de Gibraltar, Cádiz, with less than 20,000 inhabitants, in which there are fewer municipal activities about. As a novelty with respect to the previous edition, some session will be held in the street to bring the activities to the children and give greater visibility to the project. The classroom will be a recreational space where workshops will be held with content on interculturality and recycling aimed at children during the months of July and August with ages between 4 and 17 years.
- Audiovisual workshop “Diversity in my environment”
- Workshop “The rights of migrants”
- Workshop “What is diversity?
- Workshop “Europe and its diversity”
- Itinerant summer classroom.
- Celebration of World Cultural Diversity Day for Dialogue and Development.